Sunday, January 17, 2016



            In human life, learning becomes the most important thing to do the way we prepare the  better future. However, what do we mean when we use the term learning? Learning is something we all do from the moment we are born, so most of us likely take this very difficult  process to do. Although, many people think that learning is a difficult thing to do but we need to do it as our tool to be success in living. In learning there are three domains as we can also call them as the educational goals. The domains are cognitive domain, affective domain, and psychomotor domain.

            Cognitive domain contains the behavior that emphasizes intellect like knowledge, understanding and though. There are six categories involved within the cognitive domain, and they are usually considered to be stages of difficulty. Usually, the first category must be mastered before a student can move on to the next one. These categories are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

            Knowledge involves the recollection of data or information include knowing the safety rules or defining a term. After knowledge comes comprehension, which involves a number of different things. Comprehension involves understanding meaning, translating, interpreting instructions and problems, and stating a problem in your own words. The third is application. Students will use the concepts they learn in a new situation without any prompting. Examples of application would involve a student using the proper steps to solve a math problem at home. And then is analysis. Analysis also teaches students how to distinguish between facts and inferences. The fifth is synthesis . Synthesis involves a process of putting something together from the pieces to create new meaning or a whole new structure. An example of this could be a student writing an essay regarding material that was read.  The last is evaluation. When students begin to make judgments about the value of ideas, they’re beginning the process of evaluation. In a classroom, a good example of this would be book reports that involve summarizing what was read and giving an opinion of what they thought about the material.

            The affective domain deals with a person’s emotions and how they are handled. Like the cognitive domain, there are some major categories involved with this domain. The first is phenomena. Good examples of receiving phenomena involve listening to others with respect and remembering the names of people you just met. The second is responding to phenomena like class discussions and presentations. The third is valuing, like students sharing their opinion regarding a certain topic or a student who studies a particular subject more than others because of the value they placed in it. Then the fourth is organization. Example of this one is accepting responsibility for your behavior and time management skills. And the last is internalizing values like cooperating in group work and a self-reliance when working alone.

            Psychomotor domain involves physical movement, coordination, and motor-skill usage. Developing the skills involved with the psychomotor domain takes practice. There are seven major categories involved with this taxonomy: perception, set, guided response, mechanism, complex overt response, adaptation, and origination.

            Perception is similar to the receiving phenomena category of the affective domain. Examples of perception involve recognition of non-verbal communication cues and using other senses beyond sight and hearing. The second is set. Examples of this are knowing your abilities and recognizing your limitations. This particular category of the psychomotor domain is related to the category of responding to phenomena in the affective domain. The third is guided response. This is the early stage of learning a complex skill. Examples of guided response include following the instructions of an assignment or performing a mathematical equation just as the teacher demonstrated. The fourth is mechanism. Mechanism is the intermediate stage involved in learning a complex skill. It involves learned responses that are now habitual and movements that are performed with confidence and proficiency. An example of this would be the average user of the computer. They don’t know how to do most repairs to their computer, but they can use a word processor and access the internet with ease. Then the fifth is complex overt response. Examples of this include people who can operate a computer with ease including downloading many programs without any help. Also, people who play instruments with ease and competence have achieved complex overt response regarding instrumental skill. Then the sixth is adaptation. Once these psychomotor  skills are well developed, many people can modify them to fit new situations. This is the adaptation part of psychomotor domain. An example of this would be a teacher modifying her lessons to reach special needs of certain learners. The last is origination. This category is similar to adaptation, but origination requires the creation of new movement patterns to fit a situation as opposed to adaptation using already-known skills for a new situation. Examples of this are gymnastic students who create a new routine or writers who arrange words in new ways to come up with new prose.

            In conclusion, as we need to prepare a better future, the learning domains or as the goal of education has to be achieved well. In cognitive domain, we need to develop a good  behavior that emphasizes intellect like knowledge, understanding and though. Furthermore affective domain deals with a person’s emotions and how they are handled. A good cognitive need to be supported by a good controlling emotion. As the last domain is psychomotor which involves physical movement, coordination, and motor-skill usage. In developing the skills we can develop it by taking some practices based on the skills. Finally, the three domains has to be owened by the people in building the better personality and preparing our better future.



           Ahok is one of public figure who can be considered as a hero. He can be called as a hero because has made many changes in Jakarta. Day by day Jakarta is going to be better because of him. For example to solve one of the big matter in Jakarta namely river which is full of rubbish. He has neutralized some rivers that is full of rubbish. It gives many benefits to the people especially to their health. The other thing that has been success is to make easier the poor  people to have treatment in the hospital. He is also has made all the cost of some administrations being free. His principles and rules are so good and phenomenal. He is also a brave one who is not afraid to everything. As long he is right, he will never be afraid to against many people who dislike him. Beside it, he is a religious leader that always believe in God. That’s why although many people hate him, but the people who love him is more because he is like a hero especially in Jakarta.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Help without hope salary

        Let me remind about my experience when I was in Bandar Lampung. When I had graduated from vocational high school, I tried to enter the state university, but I was not accepted. I decided to go to Bandar Lampung. I lived there with my brother and my sister in law. I realized that they were so kind, but I couldn’t be spoiled for it. I helped them to carry out their business namely to sell mineral water. To distribute gallon mineral water was not an easy work. We need to be strong. Everyday I worked to help them and they never give me salary. Although the Never gave me money, but I never strive for it. I believed that one day they would give me more salary. When I wanted to continue my study, I decided to return to Medan. I leaved them, and they just gave me a lithe money. I didn’t know whether they were stingy or not. But when I have been in university, they always care with me and send me money to support my study. They are so kind to me. So, the thing that I can learn from myself is “ be kind first to the people without hoping an wage is better, because they and even God will give us more than we have given to them.


          I have story about my experience about my favorite activity when I was teenager. It was about sport. I usually had the exercise with  my close friend. The first thing that we did was going to a stadium or any sport place. Then we took a warming of our body. Then we would continue to walk slowly and faster. Actually, when we had finished run, we stopped and did the other exercises like push up, sit up and the other. The kind of exercise that I like was jumping on the sand while my friend was somersault. We usually did our exercises about two hours. When we had done we would be directly go home by feet. I think sport is very important to keep our health. That’s why till now, I am so healthy and I will not forget that experience.


          Once upon a time, there was a woman who lived so tired in the way she lives her life. She usually worked hard in the house to service her husband and her children. She was so tired and she wanted to give up. One day, an old woman taught her how to be a relax woman. The woman gave a stone that she should drop into a well. If she throw the stone into the well, he would be changed to be a honorable woman and nobody who can reign her to do anything. She obeyed it. Then she went to a well and brought the stone that is given by the woman. He threw the stone into the well and suddenly the stone were burst and she became a man. She was so surprised and regret what she had done. She realized that she was wrong to do that. She should receive what destiny that God given to her, but all the things couldn’t be changed back. Now she has been a man and there is nothing can be changed.


          One day, there were two students who were hostile. They were Jack and John. Someday, Jack presented his assignment in front of the class. John didn’t like Jack’s presentation and he wrote an article in the social media to say that Jack’s presentation is very bed. When Jack opened the internet, their friends pilloried him in social media. He was so angry and wanted to do the same thing to John. When the day of John’s presentation he was so angry to do what Jack had done to him. When the presentation begun, John was so sleepy and he slept, when John presented his assignments. When the presentation had done, he woke up and he  wanted to write the bad of Jack. Unfortunately, he realized that he didn’t pay attention the Jack’s presentation. He got more angry to himself and said ‘’Damm it “

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Examples of Descriptive Paragraph

Red sport car

            The car at the road is a luxurious car. Te design is very good looking. The main color of the car is red with the white line  in front of the car. The shape of the car is not too big but it is unique, and I think it is the new version of the brand. That’s why I am so interested to the car.

Extreme road

             The road that the car passes is an extreme place. It is in the steep sloop of mountain. The road is very narrow and it is so difficult to be passed by the car. If the driver doesn’t concentrate, they would fall into the river under the mountain. I think, I will not try to go there.

Surprised men

             The man who looks at his phone looks so very shock. He’s like scream loudly, by opening his mouth. He crinkles his face with the focus of view to the phone. I guess he has just got a bad news.